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            Location:Home  >  Support
            Solution to the inconsistency between the red light and laser of laser marking laser engraving machine
            DATE:2022/11/28 16:51:56  Page view:4129

            The red light of the laser marking laser engraving machine does not coincide with the laser, which will lead to difficult positioning and decline in the accuracy of the marking position. Now, Foshan Fulan Laser will tell you how to solve this problem.

            Generally, adjust the X and Y axis parameters of the red light.

            First draw a rectangular box, engrave the rectangular box on the black photo paper, and then click "red light" to observe whether the red light coincides with the laser.

            If there is no coincidence, click the following: parameter (F3) - others - red light indication, adjust the offset position of X and Y axes and the scale size of X and Y axes of the red light according to the coincidence of the red light with the laser in the previous step, and continuously adjust until the red light coincides with the laser.




            Manager Wen: 18902563402




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